The Twitter user @ExxtianErin has dramatically increased her follow count within the past few months and it's no wonder why. Unafraid to engage her former Christian allies, she's given a remarkable insight into what it's like to deconvert out of Christianity following a childhood chock full of indoctrination and mental abuse. Now in a pursuit to set her mind free and cope with the struggles that comes with balancing the secularization of her life with maintaining healthy relationships with religious friends and relatives, Erin, who lives in British Columbia, Canada, tells more about her story here. @GodsNotReal_ : What denomination would you have identified with before you became an "Ex Christian" and what was your upbringing like in that religion? @ExxtianErin : Before my deconstruction I would have identified as non-denominational evangelical. The church we were attending was fairly seeker sensitive and had an impressive community outreach program an...
When I encounter creationists on social media I find their objections to evolution to be rather simpleminded. To put it bluntly, anybody who doesn't *believe* in evolution simply doesn't doesn't understand it. I'll start this blog post with a few samples of silly rebukes, answering the questions ephemerally and pragmatically, and then I'll proceed to my post on phylogeny. If evolution were true, where did life come from? The theory of evolution does not stake a claim on how life started or from where it came, nor does it depend on any one answer being true. Therefore, even if God existed and created life, evolution would still be true. The theory of evolution describes how life changes over time, and never tries to explain how it started. This is in no way a chink in its armor--the evidence for evolution is bountiful. Show me the evidence for evolution, then. Anybody who needs to ask for the evidence has never tried to search for it, or, more likely, they...