The imaginary war on Christmas that many American Christians have invented as part of their persecution complex is, to me, somewhat comical. I just wanted to give some of my thoughts on this faux war and describe what Christmas means to me. I celebrate Christmas; in fact, I love Christmas. Admittedly, it has no religious value to me whatsoever. I doubt Jesus was ever a historical figure, and if his existence were proven to me I would be uninterested in this revelation because there is no way to convince me he was anything but a charlatan--just an ordinary man who duped people into believing he was a deity. I genuinely enjoy Christmas music, family get-togethers, good food, and giving/receiving gifts. I enjoy the way children make-believe in Santa Clause, and the excitement they show when they are given an awesome toy. My birthday is actually on December 25! To me, personally, these are the things I like about Christmas and the reason I ce...