David Anderson (@Crayon Canyon) might be a breath of fresh air to some atheists. He's a liberal Christian. When we first began interacting with one another on Twitter, I thought of him as somebody who believed in Yahweh, Jesus Christ, and an allegorical Bible. To be honest, I thought he could very easily be converted to atheism. Though my counter-arguments haven't budged David from his faith, I have enjoyed getting to learn more about his thought processes, and I asked him to be interviewed so that I could learn more about his past and what makes his brain tick. @GodsNotReal_ : How were you brought up, as far as religion? Were you taught religion from a young age? What did your parents tell you about religion, God, and Jesus? David: I grew up in Chicago with a Christian mother and father. We attended a "Bible-believing Non-Denominational Church" growing up, although it was a pretty standard suburban conservative Evangelical church. Ne...