Jackie commented on one of my Twitter photos to say that she hates when people use religion to discriminate or cause harm. Assuming she was an atheist, I replied to her, "I do too." But she told me that she believes in God, and that she's jealous of me because I'm an atheist. Intrigued, I asked her why? Jackie said that she had a near death experience (NDE) and saw God during this time. There is no doubt that god exists, and she loves him, but she's angry with him. Why is she angry with God, and why is she jealous of atheists? Read on... [Editor's Note: Jackie asked me to edit her responses for grammar, punctuation, and spelling because she's "not good at typing." Her responses contain very heavy edits. I did my best to interpret what she was trying to say.] @GodsNotReal_ : Did you have a religious upbringing? What were your religious beliefs growing up as a kid? Jackie: My upbringing as far as religion was just bein...