I make every effort to understand the world around to the best of my ability and I trust in the scientific method, a self-correcting process to discovery and study of the observable, natural world. I think science is interesting, but I'm not a scientist. I don't have a degree in biology. I'm just a guy who finds enjoyment in interesting research. Because I'm not scientist, I don't claim the following to be great research--it's merely my best attempt to explain a process (to the best of my knowledge) to somebody who very clearly doesn't understand what it is or how it works. A biologist who goes by @ProtoAtheist on Twitter proofread my work for scientific accuracy. First, let's define some of our terms. Evolution is a change in allele frequency in a population over time. An allele is an inheritable trait. Evolution is a bona fide fact by any definition of the word "fact." It's been observed in every Genus of life on earth. The the...