Jennifer's comment on a picture I posted on Facebook was a little unusual. I could tell that she was definitely a believer in God. But even though the meme I shared certainly was an attempt to accuse the Christian god of immoral behavior, and the friend who tagged Jennifer in the post was clearly attempting to provoke her to defend her Christian faith, Jennifer's comment instead tried to diffuse any argument by calling for peace. Usually I view these types of comments from Christian as passive-aggressive, condescending ploys. "I'm better than you and I know it, but I'll pray you see it my way," is the general tone I pick up on. But with Jennifer, something seemed different. She apologized to me on God's behalf. I started asking her some questions and eventually asked if she could answer a few more and allow me to post them on the blog in an interview format. Jennifer agreed. Find out why she defends gay people from Christian hatred, how atheists and believ...