Brendan, a biologist, goes by "Prototype Atheist" on social media challenges creationists to think critically about creation and evolution. I asked him some basic questions about evolution and presented a few of the more common creationist objections to it. @GodsNotReal_ : What is your education and working experience? (Just to establish credibility) @ProtoAtheist: I have a Master's Degree in molecular biology and have worked for a diagnostics company as an R&D scientist for 8 years. @GodsNotReal_ : Can you operationally define what evolution is? @ProtoAtheist: Biological evolution, simply put, is the change in allele frequencies over time in a population of organisms. Alleles are just different forms of a gene. Allele frequencies might change in a population via natural selection or genetic drift. Natural selection is when external pressures affect a population of organisms such that a specific allele or alleles become beneficial or detrimental relative to ...