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Showing posts from 2019

The Bible Endorses Slavery

Endorses is the key word in title of this blog post. The Bible doesn't merely condone  slavery. It actively endorses and promotes it. Slavery  is the second essential word in the title, because the Bible doesn't simply endorse indentured servitude as many Christian apologists argue. When the Bible discusses slavery, it isn't talking about people who owed a debt working to pay it off in lieu of settling with currency, as sources such as Answers in Genesis will attempt to have you believe. We're talking full blown slavery  every bit as immoral and wicked as it was for 18th-19th century North America. After reading this post, there'll be no uncertainty about truth claim I've made in the title, as the text within the Bible is perfectly clear. Unless stated otherwise, the text quoted below will be the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible. Leviticus 25:44 says "Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you. From them, you may